To join the Oatka Fish and Game Club:
Please fill out the form below or download the document in the link and fill out.
Once form is filled out email it back to the club at
If you have problem finding sponsors and senior members for application please email us and we can help you out.
The Cost to Join the Club is a one time $50 initiation Fee and $100 for annual fees.
Let us know if you have any questions and hope to see you soon!
Please Email us @ Oatkafishgame@gmail for junior applications (21 years and younger)
To Renew your membership please get the annual fee of $100 to the club prior to January 31st by one of the following methods:
Give money or check to the Treasurer at the monthly club meeting
Drop off money or check in the club safe (in the wall to the left of the sign in book)
mail a check to the club at the following address: PO Box 275, LeRoy, NY 14482